Sunday, May 3, 2009

While 8 months old...

Dallin's top teeth broke through! All four of them! The middle ones came through first, but the outside ones were visible just under the skin when this happened and they appeared within a week or so after. No wonder he has been so darn fussy lately!! Poor kid! I figured it was teething pain!
He has become a major mama's boy! He whines and fusses for me to hold him all the time, even if Jared has him. He is so cute! He started waking up again sometimes at night to nurse, like around 11pm or 5, 6 am. Still no hint of crawling.
He really studies and focuses on people. He is very loud! He is more wiggly than Teya was. He does NOT like to play on his own and wants to be held CONSTANTLY!!! He will sit in his highchair and play with toys for a little while though.
He is so sweet and just adorable!!!
When he had just turned 8 months old, he weighed 18 lbs, 12 oz., exactly the same that he weighed at his 6 and a half month check-up! I was concerned and asked the doctor about it, but she said he was obviously doing just fine! That when they start out so big, it's okay for them to not have doubled their birth weight by now! I don't remember where he was at in his percentages at this visit.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Happy! I just wanted to say thanks for your comment on my blog. It's nice to know who's reading in states I've never been to! I'm glad you liked Faith's pictures. I'm still a complete amateur but it's so much fun to experiment and learn. I post my pictures on, if you ever want to take a look. Oh and Marcelo says hi! :)
